Reklamation auf Ebay

RGB_12Auf Ebay habe ich einen RGB-Flutlichtstrahler mit Fernbedienung für 12,60 € gekauft. Gekommen ist aber nur ein RGB-Strahler, denn lediglich das Blau leuchtet. Und die Fernbedienung geht auch nicht. Bisher ging Reklamation selbst chinesischen Ebay-Shops problemlos, aber nicht so bei „hkiron-shop“, dem Meister der Abwimmelung.

Meine Kommunikation mit „hkiron-shop“

Hello dear seller (die Anreden habe ich hier im Folgenden weggelassen),
unfortunately the led lamp does not work properly. When I connect power the lamp lights blue. But it does not react on any key of the included remote control though the delivered remote control itself seems to be working (I tested your remote control with a rgb-led strip in my cupboard and I tested the battery of the remote control). I recorded a short video of the remote control working with the rgb-led in my cupboard and then not working with the lamp you delivered – look here:….mp4

We apologize for all the troubles caused to you.
1) We refund you US $2.5 (1,83€) , OK? (…)

Mein Gedanke: Scherz, oder? Das sind 15% Nachlass für ein defektes Gerät.

(…) Because we also suffer loss, we paid the shipping fee and the eBay final value fee. (…)

Ja kann ich denn was dafür, dass ihr eine defektes Gerät verschickt? Wer an der Endkontrolle spart, hat eben höhere Versandkosten!

(…) You can keep it and do not need to return. 2) After the refund, do hope you can leave us Positive Feedback with over 4 stars scores. 3) If not agree, we would like to know your solution. Please don´t be angry or leave any feedback before you email us, we hope to solve problem peacefully. Your understanding  would be highly appreciated. Waiting for your early reply.

No, I do not agree. The lamp is complete useless for me because I did not want a blue lamp but a RGB lamp (N.B.: Of course the lamp has a RGB LED, but the control electronics obviously isn’t working)
My solution: Either you send me an new one or refund all the money I payed (including shipping). You can have your faulty lamp back if you pay the shipping back.
You don’t really believe I will pay a single dollar for a not working lamp? It’s not my fault if you shipp defective items!

Sorry to hear of this, but please do not worry, any problem of the item, we will resend you another or refund after confirmation. 1) Please send photos / video of broken (wrong) product in eBay message or send to our email““ OR upload to our website: 2) After you sent the photo /video puttygen download , please remind us by eBay message we need following information: – Your email address? – The LINK of the video? Please do not open CASE/DISPUTE, otherwise eBay will ask you to return the item back to us, full refund could be only issued after we receive the returns. It is not beneficial for both of us. We hope to solve problem peacefully, waiting for your soon reply.

Rückerstattung nur, wenn ich das defekte Teil zurücksende? Da sind die Versandkosten ja höher als der Kaufpreis! Und: haben die meine erste Mail überhaupt gelesen? Das hatte ich doch alles schon geschrieben! Meine Antwort:

I did not register at photobucket  because photos will not proove  anything in this case. I already included a link of a video showing the problem in my 1st email: (…Link und Beschreibung aus der ersten Mail…)
I think that is sufficient evidence. Of course I can record different  videos or try different tests. But as I am pretty experienced in electronics I can tell you that this won’t change anything. There seems to be a error in the control electronics of the RGB LED.

We apologize for all the troubles caused to you. 1) We refund you EUR 3 Buy Zithromax without Prescription

, OK? Because we also suffer loss, we paid the shipping fee and the eBay final value fee. You can keep it and do not need to return. 2) After the refund, do hope you can leave us Positive Feedback with over 4 stars scores.  3) If not agree, we would like to know your solution. Please don´t be angry or leave any feedback before you email us, we hope to solve problem peacefully. Your understanding would be highly  ppreciated. Waiting for your early reply. 

I am not going to pay a single Euro for a not working  device. Either you refund me the complete price or send me a new (working) item – or I will stop any negotiations and complain at ebay.

Sorry.again!  hi friend sorry to make you trouble. but nowadays earning a little money is very difficult in ebay. we refund you , meantime we have paid both the freight charges and the cost of items. how about we refund EUR 5 as compensation and do not leave negative feedback ? Sincerely hope that you can do me the favor and accept my suggestion. we so gald that we can serve for you and resolve issus for you. have a nice day. waiting for your reply soon.

Every Cent back or 1 star and complain at ebay

We apologize for all the troubles caused to you.
1) We refund you $8 (5,86€) , OK? Because we also suffer loss, we paid the shipping fee and the eBay final value fee. You can keep it and do not need to return.
2) After the refund, do hope you can leave us Positive Feedback with over 4 stars scores.
3) If not agree, we would like to know your solution.
Please don´t be angry or leave any feedback before you email us, we hope to solve problem peacefully. Your understanding would be highly appreciated. Waiting for your early reply. 

Dann habe ich bei Ebay angerufen. 16 Minuten Warteschleife. 5 Minuten freundliches Gespräch. Die Dame erklärte wie ich nun formell weiter vorgehen muss – Nachricht von Ebay:

Es tut uns leid, dass „16 RGB 10W-85 ~ 265V LED Flutlicht Strahler Lampe Wasserdicht Fernsteuerung HP“ erheblich von der Artikelbeschreibung abweicht. Sie haben einen Fall geöffnet. Wir haben den Verkäufer informiert, dass Sie eine Rückerstattung beantragt haben.

Am nächsten Tag:

der Verkäufer hat Ihnen geantwortet und eine andere Lösung für das Problem vorgeschlagen.

Nachricht vom Verkäufer:
„“We apologize for all the troubles caused to you. 1) We refund you $8 (5,86€) , OK? Because we also suffer loss, we paid the shipping fee and the eBay final value fee. You can keep it and do not need to return. 2) After the refund, do hope you can leave us Postive Feedback with over 3 stars scores. 3) If not agree

, we would like to know your solution. Please don’t be angry or leave any feedback before you email us, we hope to solve problem peacefully. Your understanding would be highly appreciated. Waiting for your early reply. Best regards,“ “

Every cent back!

Wichtiger Hinweis! Wir haben dem Verkäufer mitgeteilt, dass der Artikel erheblich von der Beschreibung abweicht. Der Verkäufer hat eine volle Rückerstattung veranlasst. Dieser Fall ist jetzt geschlossen.

Natürlich habe ich nur einen Stern gegeben, bei dem Theater. Für die anderen 6 Artikel, die ich dort gekauft habe, natürlich auch 😛

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2 Kommentare zu Reklamation auf Ebay

  1. adminedw sagt:

    Unglaublich wie schnell man Spam (letzte beide Kommentare) auf einem weitgehend unbekannten WordPress-Blog bekommt…

  2. Thorsten sagt:


    ich hatte mit dem Verkäufer sehr ahnliche Erfahrungen gemacht.

    Der Verkäufer wechselt immer wieder seinen Namen. Ein Name war auch sunroad9. Aktuell ist der Name wohl october678 sowie october588.

    Markantes Merkmal ist die immer gleiche Bewertung: „Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++.“

    Schade, dass eBay einen nicht ausreichend vor solchen Scharlatanen schützen kann.

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